Enjoy each ray of sun that caresses your cheeks and brings light into your life. Do not be disappointed in any day as there is a reason for the ups and downs God put before you. Each challenge is a mosaic in your life’s journey, so embrace the light and the dark and know of all things that everything in life is temporary. It is much like a sudden rainstorm that darkens the skies bringing ominous thunder and pounding rain. Those storms cleanse the earth making all things clean and clearer to see. Soon the passing of the storm opens to blue skies and the warmth of the sun once again. Your hopes will be lifted and you will feel refreshed with new hope and faith for the coming days. Never allow yourself to feel saddened by the way of life but rejoice in the challenge god has give to you, for you are worthy of success and happiness. If you believe it will happen because you deserve only the best life has to offer. Be confident, keep strong and watch what happens. Wishing each of you a glorious day.