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Writer's pictureCarol Choomack

On a Personal Note. . .

Time is ever elusive. It is as though we are chasing the wind as it blows through a field wistfully dancing off the pedals of flowers and high grass reeds, never again to be captured. Live each day to the fullest, enjoy the time God has given to you and always be grateful for all you have be it great or small.

I would like to thank each of you from all corners of this great earth for your kind Birthday wishes. You are so very wonderful and generous to me. Although many of us have never met, know that you mean so very much to me and I feel you in my heart. I watch artists create such amazing wonders. I watch many ride horses and show your skills as the wind blows and you are taken on a most powerful ride. I see Archers send their arrows to a target as they align body, mind and soul. I am taken to beaches and into woodlands to know the wonders of life.

Each of you have a very special expertise in your work and I have the privilege of watching you on Facebook and becoming a small part of your lives’. You show and teach me new things every day. For me it is the greatest of gifts to know you. So again, thank you for my Birthday Wishes until next year.

With my much LOVE.


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